Biblio (1,4 MB)
The e-books local exchange application, based on DDD, ASP.NET MVC with Spark View Engine (on IronPython), Unity IoC-Container, Linq2Sql (may be NHibernate), MbUnit testing

VSTS Code Coverage Runner - Get VS Code Coverage from NUnit or MbUnit

This project is an attempt to provide a wrapper around the VSTS instrumentation and code coverage tools. VSTS provides very powerful code coverage tools with Visual Studio, but as packaged, you need to be running MSTest unit tests to obtain this coverage data. There is a way of getting this data without using MSTest though, by using another test framework such as NUnit or MbUnit for example. This wrapper encapsulates the generation of the .coverage file from a run of NUnit or MbUnit (or similar), but in addition it provides an automated generation of the .xml version of the .coverage file (both can be read by Visual Studio directly), and then uses an XSLT template to transform the XML ouput into a final human readabale page (by default a .html file) Further extension will pull the actual parameters from the hardcoded values in the console application into a wrapper class, and will wrap both with a command line tool and with an MSBuild task - however the code is functional enough, and is transparent enough, that both of these tasks should be easy to implement for anyone wishing to do so for themselves if they require this immediately.

Sapphire: SharePoint Application Framework (5,9 MB)
SharePoint Application Framework

Sharp Tests Ex

SharpTestsEx (Sharp Tests Extensions) is a set of extensible extensions. The main target is write short assertions where the Visual Studio IDE intellisense is your guide. #TestsEx can be used with NUnit, MsTests, xUnit, MbUnit... even in Silverlight. - Unit testing framework for C# and .NET (a successor to NUnit) (17,3 MB)
A unit testing framework for C# and .NET. Written by original inventor of NUnit. is the top rated framework for unit testing C# code.