Behavioral (153 kB)
A Behavior Driven Design (BDD) library adding a clearer syntax and better organization to unit tests. Currently tested working with NUnit and MSTest.

Chaining Assertion

Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic Private Accessor for MSTest, NUnit,, MbUnit. This provides only single file.

ChannelAdam Test Framework Libraries

Libraries that provide handy functionality for writing automated tests and reading their output, using Moq and MSTest.


MSTest is missing a number of features that other unit test frameworks have. This project fills in some of those features.

Kusa, a Simple Comparer for TRX Test Results (13 kB)
Kusa (草) is a two days time boxed project, created to simplify the task of comparing test results generated by TRX logger.


The MassDataHandler is a framework to assist with Database Unit Testing. The framework makes it very easy to insert test data into a database, which in turn makes it very easy to write database unit tests. The user merely needs to specify their relevant data in a simple XML fragment, and then the framework uses knowledge of the database schema to do all the grunt work and convert that XML data into SQL, from which it populates the database. The XML fragments that contain the test data are robust and refactorable. You can include expressions like variables substitution and identity lookup, default row templates, and include statements to import sub-templates. Because the framework already knows the database schema, you only need to specify the relevant data, and the framework can auto-populate the rest of the row’s required columns with dummy data.


MSTestContrib is a set of extensions orientated towards software developers and testers who are using the MSTest framework which is included with Visual Studio 2010.


The aim of this project is to provide extensions to Visual Studio's MSTest tool. The goal is match the functionality of the xUnit family of testing frameworks where possible. The extensions support MSTest for both Visual Studio 2005 and 2008. This code base was originally developed by Edenbrook ( but has been released for public use. Extensions implemented so far: - "TestTransaction" attribute (similar to MbUnit's "RollBack") to roll back database operators when the test completes. - "ExpectedExceptionMessage" attribute to fix the built-in "ExpectedException". The custom "ExpectedExceptionMessage" matches the supplied message with the exception message thrown by the Test Method. - "TestTimer" attribute, if the duration of a test exceeds the specified time the test fails. New contributors to this project are welcome. Please see the Discussions tab for a "How To". Please see this blog post for more information:

MSTest Project

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate using Microsoft Test Project.


A re-usable framework and Toolsets to integrate MSbuild,MSTest,Nunit,SVN,VSS,VSTS,NCover,VstsCodeCoverage,Ndepend,Fxcop,StyleCop,,IIS deployment tasks,DB tasks from a cool WebInterface. (1,2 MB) is just a small library of .NET development utils for making life easier.


Provides the ability to have parameterized tests in MSTest.


Various helpers and tools for testing.

Public Components (5,1 MB)
Public Components

Sharp Tests Ex

SharpTestsEx (Sharp Tests Extensions) is a set of extensible extensions. The main target is write short assertions where the Visual Studio IDE intellisense is your guide. #TestsEx can be used with NUnit, MsTests, xUnit, MbUnit... even in Silverlight.

Silverlight Testing Automation Tool (38,2 MB)
StatLight is a tool developed for automating the setup, execution, and gathering results of Silverlight unit tests. StatLight helps to speed up the feedback cycles while practicing TDD/BDD/(insert your test style here) during Silverlight development.

Test List Generator for Visual Studio

Visual Studio Team Edition 2008 currently does not support Categories when running tests. Categories (such as implemented in nunit) allow you to run specific subsets of your tests (e.g. You could have a LongRunning category, that only runs tests that are long running) Visual Studio does allow you to run "TestLists" which are manually configured lists of tests. This program automatically generates a TestList based on the Category property of each test (e.g. TestAttribute("Category", "LongRunning"))

Test Runner (223 kB)
Simple command-line tool to run MSTest unit tests without Visual Studio. The main purpose is to run integration tests in staging environments.

trx2html (1,3 MB)
Converts Visual Studio TestResults files to html with agregate information, making easier the inspection of test results

TRXtoHTML (115 kB)
This is a command line utility to generate html report files from VSTS 2008 as well as VSTS 2010 result files (trx). Usage: VSTSTestReport /q <input trx file> <output html file> <input code coverage file> /q optional argument for quiet mode