
Apollo.Common is a set of libraries that implement common functionality required by enterprise applications. The emphasis has been placed on expected use by services and web based applications.

Smith Async .NET Memcached Client

Async .NET Memcached Client is a fully asynchronous implementation of a memcached client. The advantage of a fully asynchronous client is that you do not have threads wasted in waiting for i/o operations. The client is developed in c# 4.0. (Subject to change to 3.5 possible)


CACHEDB.zip (23 kB)

Cache Manager

CacheManager is a common interface and abstraction layer for caching. It supports various cache providers / clients and includes advanced features.

Cosmos Web Framework By PHP

cwf.zip (601 kB)
This is Compact, But Powerful web framework by PHP.

memcachedext - .NET library

A .NET library providing support for advanced caching scenarios, including memcached server.

Memcached Providers

This project provides Memcached Session State and Cache Providers for ASP.net.


memgui.zip (11 kB)


mempowered.zip (2,9 MB)
MemPowered, a Powershell memcached client. This software is a Powershell v2.0 module which can communicate with a memcached cluster. It was created mainly for educational purposes for .NET developers using memcached as a distributed cache.

Pure memcached SessionStateProvider

Miramemcachedsession is a pure memcached based implementation of a .net SessionStateProvider. This can be used in load-balanced environments with short lived sessions. This provider should only be used in very specific scenarios. It's developed in the c# language.


nmemcached.zip (1,4 MB)
A general purpose Memcached client for the .NET platform developed for framework version 4.0

Reusable Library

relib.zip (82,8 MB)
A collection of reusable abstractions for enterprise application developer: caching, IoC, pagination, repository, application services, unit of work, background processing, exception trace policy, work item, etc. Integration with Unity 2.0, EntLib 5.0, ASP.NET MVC 3.0, WatiN 2.0, Memcached 1.4.5.

Reusable Library Demo

relibdemo.zip (47,9 MB)
A demonstration of reusable abstractions for enterprise application developer

SharedCache.com - high-performance, distributed caching

SharedCache.zip (113,6 MB)
high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended to speeding up dynamic web and / or win applications by alleviating database load. Don't forget to visit us at http://www.sharedcache.com


This project is a DotNetNuke Cache Provider supporting the newly announced Velocity cache platform from Microsoft. “Velocity” is a distributed in-memory application cache platform for developing scalable, available, and high-performance applications. “Velocity” fuses memory across multiple computers to give a single unified cache view to applications.