Archon (35 kB)
It is a web based distributed system controller used to build/manage linux boxes for Declum. @ Declum 2013

Aricie - Distributed Caching Provider (48,6 MB)
Aricie - Distributed Caching Provider is a DotNetNuke module and a DNN caching provider, which leverages distributed caching technologies (AppFabric, Memcached)

Demos of Distributed Algorithms and Concurrent Programming (93 kB)
This small set of projects/solutions demonstrates the topics discussed in the lecture notes of the Distributed Algorithms course run by MIT at some time.

MySpace DataRelay (10,2 MB)
Data Relay is the foundation of MySpace's middle tier. At its heart, it is a messaging system for relaying information both between clients and servers, and amongst servers. The servers are plugin based - included are plugins for basic caching and indexed queries.

Dynamic Component Runtime Framework (DCRF) (4,1 MB)
This project is a framework which encourages developers to think/design/implement based on component based software development approach. The high level of flexibility in this framework, makes implementing really complex component networks easy and straightforward.

Distrib(uted) Processing Grid (40,8 MB)
Distrib is a simple yet powerful distributed processing system.


This is set of libraries that allow you to handle distributed logging. This is aimed at applications that are installed on multiple machines and instead of having a central log server(that may slow down the application due to network latency), a local log is created. A synchronization process then unifies these logs into a central SQL database. Local database is SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition, the library is in VB and the central database is SQL Server 2005

Ella (17,3 MB)
Ella is a lightweight publish/subscribe middleware system written in C#.


entrastructure is a free development platform for any kind of business software, like CRM, ERP or SCM for example. The goal is to provide a robust, scalable, secure - but easy to use - platform for creating business applications.

Filio - Distributed File Management (871 kB)
distributed(grid) file search, find duplicates, full text index, using http/tcp connections, very high speed using multi-threading/parallel computing, automatically detect physical harddisks and accelerate with NTFS USN Journal, and customized serialization compression caching.

GoFish (50 kB)
A distributed computing platform written in F# and C#. The goal is to have a Peer-to-Peer implementation with automated distribution and replication without a master node.


Lucandra.NET is a Lucene + Cassandra implementation written in C# which is based on the Lucandra (Java) project by Jake Luciani. Apache's Lucene is a high-performance full-text search engine, and Apache's Cassandra is a promising NoSQL database, originally developed by Facebook.

MapSharp (156 kB)
An implementation of Map-Reduce in C#, combining a flexible design with a simple API. Allows distributed computing in a LAN of .NET machines.


Mariadb galera Distributed SQL Database compiled using msvc (both x86 and amd64) are tested based on Mariadb Galera 5.5.33a.

MongoDB ASP.NET Session State Store Provider

MongoDB Session State Provider. This implementation allows server failure without interruptions in a Replica Set environment.

MPAPI - Parallel and Distributed Applications Framework (1,4 MB)
Message Passing API (MPAPI) is a framework that enables programmers to easily write parallel as well as distributed software systems without having to use standard thread synchronization techniques like locks, monitors, semaphors, mutexes and volatile memory. It is written in C# and runs on Microsoft .NET 2.0 or newer, as well as Mono.NET 1.9.1.

PN264: Parallel .NET H.264 Encoding (889 kB)
PN264 is a utility for parallel processing of video on multiple networked computers. It is fully decentralized and uses a peer to peer architecture that automatically scales to any number of workers. Designed for full compatibility on both .NET and Mono.

Distributed Publish/Subscribe (Pub/Sub) Event System (21,2 MB)
The Web Solutions Platform (WSP) event system is a general-purpose distributed publish/subscribe event system designed for high performance and low latency. Publish/subscribe is a common communication pattern though there are many variations to solve different scenario requirements. The event system provides the developer with a class library paradigm for publishing and subscribing to events. The events are developer-defined .Net classes which sub-class from the base event. This makes the system both easy to use and very extensible. With one line in the config file, events can be persisted to a log file in a form ready to BCP into SQL. The latest performance results that I have achieved using a 50 property .Net object (event object) on my development machine are: * 40,000+ events / second to publish (includes serialization) with no listener * 23,000+ events / second to publish (includes serialization) while persisting at 8,000+ events / second (includes deserialization and serialization) * 20,000+ events / second to publish (includes serialization) and sending across machines at 4,000+ events / second with latency <1ms The event system is currently running on all the production servers. A real-time monitoring application uses the event system for communications and monitors 100% of the IIS requests. Within 3 seconds, all http requests across all servers and all datacenters are aggregated, displayed on a console, and able to instigate alerts. Tags: architecture, BizTalk, distributed systems, ESB, event systems, eventing, Events, messaging, metrics, monitoring, networking, pub/sub, publish/subscribe, remoting, routing, Web Services, webservices

Reusable Library (82,8 MB)
A collection of reusable abstractions for enterprise application developer: caching, IoC, pagination, repository, application services, unit of work, background processing, exception trace policy, work item, etc. Integration with Unity 2.0, EntLib 5.0, ASP.NET MVC 3.0, WatiN 2.0, Memcached 1.4.5. - high-performance, distributed caching (113,6 MB)
high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended to speeding up dynamic web and / or win applications by alleviating database load. Don't forget to visit us at