Agile Poker Cards for Windows Mobile

During a scrum or other agile processes, you have to estimate the size of a user story during a planning session. With the Agile Poker Cards program there is no need for using real cards anymore!

Big2 Card Game (111 kB)
Big2, or better known as ChorTaiTi, is a simple open source Chinese poker card game for play over internet. The project is developed under Visual Studio 2008 and uses .NET 3.5. The graphical user interface is WPF. The project is being done for learning the new .Net 3.5 frameworks features.... System Requirements * Windows XP (sp 2) or Windows Vista * .NET 3.5

Card Games Library

The aim of this project is to offer a framework for creating card games logics and rules. This project is not focused on particular games but offers a felxible and extensible base for creating card games, like; poker, solitaire, rummy, etc

Transfer gigantic DataTables over WCF / .Net Remoting

Capacity improvements package for .NET Remoting / WCF This solution deals with transferring huge DataTables over WCF and .NET Remoting. Imagine an online casino, needing to clear transactions at end of day. The clearing service needs to collect transaction data from the database, populated by all Poker servers, and Blackjack servers. Now the Reporting service needs to receive a huge DataTable, consisting of all online gaming transactions. It is very likely that the transport will fail, because the DataTable is tremendous. When transporting large DataTables between a Server and a remote Client, there are several issues; that stem from .NET serialization. Serialization of a large DataTable is memory thirsty. A large enough DataTable will cause the client to get System.OutOfMemoryException, or System.InsufficientMemoryException. Those exceptions cannot be caught at the server side, as they occur in the innards of the framework code that deals with seriailization and transport. If the DataTable is really large, the framework will throw the server process all together, with brute force. There is no way around that. Another issue is throughput, which is not outstanding, and becomes noticeable when the table gets large. The solution at hand circumvents this problem by partitioning the DataTable to chunks and transferring the chunks in a multi-threaded fashion. In a nutshell, the Server returns an object to the client, through which the client can make concurrent calls back at the server. This approach enables an unlimited-sized table to be transferred between server and client. It also improves throughput by up to a staggering factor of 3.5 (WCF can transfer a table at 3,425 Kb/sec, whereas the current solution boosts throughput to 12,245 Kb/sec), due to the concurrent requests. (Acts like a web accelerator)

Poker Calculator (15,7 MB)
Monte Poker is poker utility which calculates probabilities of hands

Planning Poker for Azure

Planning Poker application allows distributed teams to play planning poker just using web browser. It can be deployed to IIS or Azure cloud service.

Poker Hand History

Poker Hand History is simple (open source) hand history processor that provides the poker player with vital online poker statistics.

Wpf Poker (3,4 MB)
A simple open source poker game for local area networks. The project is developed under Visual Studio 2008 and uses .NET 3.5 The graphical user interface is pure WPF. Recently the project communications were converted from simple binary sockets to use WCF

WPF Texas Hold'em Poker

Cette application permet de jouer au Poker Texas Hold'em en réseau jusqu'à 10 joueurs. Elle a été développée en WPF / WCF. Merci à Patrick A ( pour m'avoir permis de repartir de sa base pour "porter" son application en framework 3.5 La version actuelle permet de créer & développer ses propres bots. Elle permet aussi de développer son propre client pour jouer. English Version : This application allows you to play the famous game Poker Texas Hold'en on internet or local network. This was developped with WPF / WCF. Thanks to Patrick A ( for allowing me to get his version and migrate to Framework 3.5. This version allows the development of your own bots