MSAccess SVN (2,6 MB)
Access SVN adds to Microsoft Access (MS Access) support for Subversion SVN Source control

CCNetConfig (166,0 MB)
CCNetConfig is a GUI tool to create and maintain the ccnet configuration file for CruiseControl.NET.

CCStatistics for CruiseControl.NET 1.4

CCStatistics allows you to rebuild your historical statistics information from all your legacy build results. This is critical if you add a new statistic to measure, as by 'out of the box' it will not import any existing information. This solves that issue when the data (via XPat


After seeing gource, I wanted to create an application that would do something similar for SVN. GraphicalSVN is a work in progress, it is by no means to be compared with Gource, I just wanted to see what I could do. Be warned it may not be pretty!

IronSvn (43,3 MB)
NOTICE: This project has been superseded by SharpSvn which is in the same vein of this project. SharpSvn is more feature complete, more performant, and has continued development on it. I have already contributed parts of IronSvn into SharpSvn (including svnlook functionality) and recommend all users of IronSvn to move to SharpSvn. SharpSvn: IronSvn is a managed C++.NET DLL wrapper around Subversion C client libraries. There are other projects accomplishing similar goals including SubversionSharp ( and Svn.NET ( This project, IronSvn is not a PInvoke wrapper like SubversionSharp and Svn.NET -- it is a Managed C++.NET DLL which directly links to subversion libraries. The main differences are: * No PInvoke is required * MIT license instead of LGPL The main disadvantages of this project are: * It is not supported on Mono. It is only supported on Windows. I mainly created this project out of curiosity in using Managed C++.NET. I have no current plans of supporting the full Subversion API model as SubversionSharp and Svn.NET do. All I wanted to do with this project is to create a super leightweight, easy-to-use direct wrapper around the Subversion libraries. Take a look at the source code and let me know if you have any questions! Thanks, Kevin

Merger (3,7 MB)
Tool to simplify and automatize boring merge of the repository branches.


A re-usable framework and Toolsets to integrate MSbuild,MSTest,Nunit,SVN,VSS,VSTS,NCover,VstsCodeCoverage,Ndepend,Fxcop,StyleCop,,IIS deployment tasks,DB tasks from a cool WebInterface.

NSubversion for NET applications

NSubversion for .NET is simple and useful library, which give application in runtime mode, information about SVN, CVS tags used in source code, by the reflection SvnIdAttribute. Basic example. It's developed in C#, require .NET 2.0.

OfficeSVN - The subversion client for Office 2007 (13,1 MB)
OfficeSVN is a subversion client for Microsoft Office 2007. This addin adds a ribbon in Word, Excel & PowerPoint.

Poker Hand History

Poker Hand History is simple (open source) hand history processor that provides the poker player with vital online poker statistics.

Police (64,2 MB)
Police is a pre-commit SVN handler.

RepoCop (78,4 MB)
RepoCop is a repository hook framework written in C#. Currently only Subversion is supported. You can easily configure actions to perform when something gets comitted. You can also assign conditions with these actions to implement complex rules on when these actions should run.

SharpForge - C# SourceForge implementation (161,0 MB)
SharpForge supports collaborative development and management of multiple software projects. Similar to SourceForge or CodePlex but for your own team or organisation. The software is written in C# for .NET 2.0, it uses Subversion for source control and is released under the New BSD License.

MVVM Source Control Monitor

An exercise in MVVM with Wpf to create a useful and unobtrusive source control notification tool that lives in the system tray, and can also be viewed in a window. This is meant to provide a 'real world' application to provide examples of MVVM implementation without understanding any other frameworks that can blur the lines about what MVVM really is (it's a pattern, folks). The application will use as little 3rd party code as possible (Wpf Toolkit, some other goodies) that are all unrelated to MVVM itself. The software is meant to be deconstructed and torn apart so that anyone who wants to learn MVVM can get the basic ideas of how to implement it, on its own, without using anyone else's software to do it. Hopefully, this application will inspire others that are hesitant about MVVM to just dive in and get started. If not,'ll be a useful tool to monitor source control activity, too.

SQL Schema Source Control

Track database schema changes automatically C# application that you can run against your SQL Databases (supports SQL 2008 right now, but you could easily support 2005 ) Currently supports SVN but could be extended to use TFS, or other source control providers.


SubVersionOne is an issue tracking plugin for the TortoiseSVN SubVersion client that integrates with VersionOne.

Svn2Svn: copy, sync, replay changes across SVN repositories (MOVED TO GITHUB) (20,5 MB)
A tool that replays and applies changes across SVN repositories.

Svn API (208 kB)
This tool will allow the integration between applications and svn tools to execute the most known commands.

SVN Backup Widget

Utility to create Subversion repository backups using the svnadmin dump command. This utility allows you to create profiles for different backup scenarios.

SvnBridge - Use TortoiseSVN with Team Foundation Server (17,3 MB)
SvnBridge allows you to use TortoiseSVN and other Subversion clients with Team Foundation Server. It converts the calls made by your Subversion client to the API supported by TFS.