Aspose.Cells Java for IntelliJ IDEA (Maven)

Aspose.Cells Java for IntelliJ (Maven) lets you work with the most powerful award-winning Excel Spreadsheet manipulating API

Aspose Java for Docx4j

Comparison Between Docx4j And Aspose

ClosedXML - The easy way to OpenXML (108,9 MB)
ClosedXML makes it easier for developers to create Excel 2007+ files.

Data Extractor

The software tool, Data-Extractor, will be able to extract the content and meta-data of files and present the extracted information in a consolidated report.

i2b2 webclient-plugin "ExportXLS" v.3.3 (for i2b2 only)

This i2b2 Webclient plugin lets the user obtain specified concepts for a set of patients. The user can then further capture those data in a XLS or CSV file.

i2b2 webclient plugin "FAIR - Concept Tracer" (for i2b2 only)

This plugin is part of the FAIR Tool Set to facilitate a researcher in the pursuit of studies involving members of a patient's relationships of defined type.

i2b2 webclient plugin "FAIR - Viewer" (for i2b2 only)

This plugin enables a researcher to view the “FAIR relatives”, of each patient in a patient set, in an i2b2 project (e.g. MICARD in UMMS), via the webclient.

NPOI (120,3 MB)
.net port of Apache POI


Wrapper around the open xml office package. You can easily generate xlsx documents based on a template xlsx document and reuse parts from that document, if you mark them as named ranges (i.e."names"). Requirement: .Net 3.5 or later. Microsoft Office does not need to be installed!

Toxy - .NET Text/Data Extraction Framework (142,4 MB)
.NET data/text extraction framework similar to Apache Tika in Java

xlsdiff (52,6 MB)
Show changes between Excel files