Almathy (1,8 MB)
Application communautaire pour le partage de données basée sur le protocole XMPP. Discussion instantanée, mail, échange de données, travaux partagés. Développée en C#, utilisant les Windows Forms.

Persian DotNetNuke | | سیستم مدیریت محتوای آتون محصولی از جام زندگی (224,5 MB)
با نام معمار هستی، معمار یک دنیای بدون مرز هستیم سیستم مدیریت محتوایی آتون بر اساس پلتفرم دات نت نیوک می باشد که محصولی از شرکت جام زندگی است

web services .net

Test for backend developer Aranda. ASP .NET API web services implemented.

BinaryDialog - WPF Client for XMPP Protocol

BinaryDialog est un client de messagerie instantanée se reposant sur le protocol XMPP. Il est développé avec le language C# de Microsoft et la technologie XAML (Windows Presentation Foundation).


Simple Google Charts API wrapper for .NET projects. Inspired by the Google Charts Sharp project on Google Code.

Chronos Profiler

Free .Net Performance Profiler

ClosedXML - The easy way to OpenXML (108,9 MB)
ClosedXML makes it easier for developers to create Excel 2007+ files.

CLR Toolbox (96,1 MB)
A class library that targets on: - .NET 2.0 to 4.5.1 - WPF - XNA 4.0 !!!ATTENTION!!!: The license is LGPL v3, NOT v.2.1:

CInject - Code Inject & Runtime Intelligence (3,2 MB)
CInject (or CodeInject) allows code injection into any managed assembly without disassembling and recompiling it. It eases the inevitable task of injecting any code in single or multiple methods in one or many assemblies to intercept code for almost any purpose. It is developed in C# and uses Mono.Cecil for code interception and log4net for logging purposes.

Code Minder (35,3 MB)
Code Minder makes it easier to visualize source control statistics and helps projects display which contributers are most active. It's developed in dotnet using C#.

DNNWeather (2,9 MB)
An open source dotnetnuke module for presenting weather, collected from the yahoo weather services.

DotNetZip Library (105,2 MB)
DotNetZip is a FAST, FREE class library and toolset for manipulating zip files. Use VB, C# or any .NET language to easily create, extract, or update zip files.


GDIdotNETgames is a basis for "user-moddable" 2D strategy games using GDI+ graphics with .NET managed code written entirely in C#.


GeonamesDotOrgDotNet is a libaray to access the webservice of GeoNames ( from a dotnet application. It provides easy to use methods to call the webservice functions and returnsdotnet classes. There is no need to parse xml or anything similar.

HelpCentral HelpDesk Ticket Application

An open-ended framework and client for a helpdesk ticket application and bug tracker. Built to be as extensible and available as possible, the central system is a WCF webservice which can be accessed by any client application. - jQuery charts ready! (5,9 MB)
Highcharts .Net é uma biblioteca de gráficos escritos puramente em JavaScript, oferecendo uma maneira fácil de adicionar gráficos interativos ao seu aplicativo web. Este projeto irá encapsular toda implementação da API Highcharts em controles Asp.Net, facilitando sua utilização.

Web Image Cropping C#

Web image cropping allows you to easily implement image cropping functionality on your website in a few minutes.

IsoReader (3,3 MB)
IsoReader - a free windows command line utility program to extract files from CD or DVD images. Both ISO-9660 and ISO-13346 (UDF) file systems are supported.

JavApi (6,8 MB)
JavApi provides a collection of .NET classes in the form of the Java API. It thus allows you to use an identical API to develop for both platforms.

KineSis (9,8 MB)
The KineSis project allows controlling presentations using Microsoft Kinect. The user have the possibility of opening documents (Microsoft Office documents, images and plain text), and based on gestures, to control the presentation (move to next slide/page, scroll, zoom). Another feature is the intervention in current slide/page by focusing or highlighting the important elements from presentation (Paint over presentation).