ADO.NET Samples

ADO.NET Samples

DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) (23,5 MB)
DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) is a lightweight, high performance ORM compnent for .Net. It provides MVC, IoC framework as well.

EffiProz - A Pure C# Database (34,0 MB)
EffiProz is a pure C# database that can be easily deployed in cloud, standalone & embedded configurations.

Linquify (931 kB)
Linquify is a Visual Studio 2008/2010 Addin and C# .NET business class / DTO generator for LINQ to SQL and the Entity Framework. It supports rapid development of .NET and ASP .NET web application data layers allowing you to query as: Person.Load(5); Person.Name="n"; Person.Save()

Tireguit Nmon Analyzer

An AIX and linux Nmon Analyzer; It uses SQL Compact 3.5 and C#. For more information on Nmon please visit

Sea Quail SQL Writing Library (3,0 MB)
Sea Quail is a library for building SQL queries using objects in .Net. It's intended to work with any mainstream RDBMS. Add/remove tables, columns, and foreign keys, insert, update, delete, and select programmatically, without string building. It's developed in C#.

SLAM! SharePoint List Association Manager (43,8 MB)
SharePoint List Association Manager (SLAM) allows you to define relationships (one to one, one to many, many to many) between SharePoint lists or Content Types and then leverage those relationships in webparts or custom field types using familiar and straight forward SQL Queries.

SQL Server Runner (12,6 MB)
A GUI and command line application that helps executing scripts against SQL Server databases. Scripts can be executed within a transaction and automatically rollback if exceptions are found. Written in C# using the SMO and Log4net libraries.

SeasonStar Database Management(SSDM) (175,0 MB)
SeasonStar Database Management(SSDM) is a database management tool for MS Sql Server Compact Edition3.5 . It support data transfer from various dbs,such as MySql,Access,SqlServer,Excel,SqlCe,SqlLite,Firebird, Now SSDM support Effiproz (a standalone C# database) as well.