C4F Developer Kit

C4FDevKit.zip (75,0 MB)
The C4F Developer Kit is a collection of components, controls and samples in both Visual Basic and Visual C#. The features of the kit include a single installation file that provides users easy access off the Windows Start Menu to the documentation, sample executables and source code; a toolbox entry within Visual Studio for all components and controls for easy drag 'n drop experience. The Coding4Fun Developer Kit provides the following additional features: - all components and controls source code are provided in both Visual Basic and Visual C# - QuickStart documenation is provided - sample projects are provided with their source code (in Visual Basic and Visual C#) plus executable

Property Designer for Visual Studio

Property Designer simplifies the management of complex .NET properties by providing a visual way to describe properties and their associated callbacks, events and other behaviors.


refal.zip (451 kB)
Refal5 compiler for .NET platform

.NET Reflector Add-Ins

Add-Ins for .NET Reflector


regsvr64.zip (2,4 MB)
Multi-bitness version of Regsvr32: can register both 32- and 64-bit DLLs by detecting the type of binary.

Software Localization Tool

sharpslt.zip (1,0 MB)

Snippet Designer

Snippet Designer is a Visual Studio plug in which allows you to create, edit and search for snippets inside the IDE.

Snippy - Visual Studio Code Snippet Editor

snippy.zip (56 kB)
Editor for creating and modifying Visual Studio 2005 Code Snippets. This version was created from the original posted at GotDotNet Code Gallery by generating code from .NET Reflector. http://www.gotdotnet.com/codegallery/codegallery.aspx?id=b0813ae7-466a-43c2-b2ad-f87e4ee6bc39 This version was modified to allow C++ code snippets, although Visual C++ doesn't support code snippets as well as C#.

SQL Server Runner

sqlrunner.zip (12,6 MB)
A GUI and command line application that helps executing scripts against SQL Server databases. Scripts can be executed within a transaction and automatically rollback if exceptions are found. Written in C# using the SMO and Log4net libraries.


VisualHG.zip (10,3 MB)
Mercurial source control provider plugin for MS Visual Studio 2005, MS Visual Studio 2008 and MS Visual Studio 2010.


vssmigrate.zip (14,4 MB)
A tool, written in C#, for importing a Visual SourceSafe database into Subversion (SVN) while maintaining the complete file history.