
Agile Framework in order to build easily application based on WCF, NHibernate , WPF, and multithreading

Application Infrastructure Framework (AiFrame) (3,5 MB)
AiFrame (Application Infrastructure Framework) is a framework for business applications. It was created to improve the productivity of the development process and provides best practices like a plugin manager, an application frame, support for nhibernate and a navigation bar.

ASP.NET Design Patterns - ASP.NET MVC 2 Case Study Starter Kit

ASP.NET MVC 2 Case Study Starter Kit as featured in the Wrox Design Patterns book

Bieb: the personal book collection website (22,4 MB)
Website project based on ASP.NET MVC for managing and displaying your personal book collection on the web.

BlazingCMS (4,0 MB)
BlazingCMS is written in C# and designed with a decoupled Administration Site and WebUI. It is primarily geared at making many small tailored sites quickly with a consolidated backend.


The web based software product that sells the book in either physical or electronic form. The complete solution which implements the administration and user modules of the system. It includes inventory management, personalization, favourites, uploading related materials, user management and many more. The product uses the latest technologies to implement its functionalities.

Cameleon CMS (16,5 MB)
Caméléon, le CMS open-source le plus simple d'utilisation sur le marché.

Candle - Experimental multi-layers application generator using DSL tools (25,1 MB)
Candle is an experimental project based on the DSL Tools consisting to model a multi-layers application and to generate application code.

Catharsis (191,6 MB)
Catharsis 1.2 is the 'Web-Application Framework' gathering best-practices, based on ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and NHibernate 2.1. The Catharsis Guidance will help you to smartly create new Solution for your application, with real OOP, multi-tier Architecture. Enjoy Catharsis


A .NET library which contains Fluent NHibernate ORM mappings for common domain business entities, which are part of the Catharsis.NET.Domain project.


.NET library that provides abstraction over persistent data storages by introducing common repository pattern interfaces over popular ORM frameworks.

CCStatistics for CruiseControl.NET 1.4

CCStatistics allows you to rebuild your historical statistics information from all your legacy build results. This is critical if you add a new statistic to measure, as by 'out of the box' it will not import any existing information. This solves that issue when the data (via XPat

Coleotrack (12,1 MB)
Coleotrack: ASP.NET MVC Issue Tracking.

Composure (152,4 MB)
THIS PROJECT IS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING RECONSTRUCTED. It will focus on the development of a comprehensive COMPOSITE APPLICATION PLATFORM. (Stay Tuned!)

DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) (23,5 MB)
DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) is a lightweight, high performance ORM compnent for .Net. It provides MVC, IoC framework as well.

Data.Common.DbSchema (5,1 MB)
DbSchema makes it easier for .NET programmers to extract a database's schema (tables, views, columns, procedures, procedures' parameters and relations). You'll no longer have to create your custom code in order to extract schema from your databases. It's developed in C#.

Database Schema Reader

A simple, cross-database facade over .Net 2.0 DbProviderFactories to read database metadata.


A .NET implementation of Domain Driven Design (DDD) sample application based on Eric Evans' examples included in his great book. Project is intended to be used in training, demonstration and experiments.

Domain Builder

Utilizing other open source projects (CSLA and NHibernate), Domain Builder will leverage the tools available from Microsoft for Domain Specific Languages (DSL) to allow coding by modeling. The idea here is to create several diagrams to assist in the process of creating an appli

Domain Driven Design (.NET) Example Application

An example of how to use Domain Driven Development to create a simple NHibernate based application.