ADO.NET Toolkit

This library is created to boost productivity and performance by addressing issues that we face in real-life projects, while using ADO.NET. Use this library to

anito.NET - Object Relational Mapping Framework (10,2 MB) is an under development, simple, open source Object Relational Mapping framework for .Net that aims to speed up database-driven development through reusable patterns and database independent solutions. Supported database MS-SQL, MySQL, SQLite and MongoDB

Coconut Dal (3,2 MB)
Coconut Dal is a lightweight data access layer, for use in projects where developers might otherwise be tempted to write native ADO.NET code instead of using a fully-featured library, such as Entity Framework or Microsoft's Enterprise Library.


CoolStorage.NET is a fully typed Object Relational Mapping library for .NET 2.0. Advanced use of generics make this ORM library extremely intuitive to use. As of May 1st, 2009, this project has been moved to the Vici Project (

Simple DAL Code Generator for SQL Server (3,3 MB)
DALCOG or COG is a data access layer code generator. It generates the sources in C# and CRUD stored procedures for SQL Server.

DataBooster - Extension to ADO.NET Data Provider

The dbParallel DataBooster library is a high-performance extension to ADO.NET Data Provider. (DbAccess, OracleLauncher and SqlLauncher for accessing mass data)

DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) (23,5 MB)
DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) is a lightweight, high performance ORM compnent for .Net. It provides MVC, IoC framework as well.

Employee Info Starter Kit (57,3 MB)
Employee Info Starter Kit is an open source project that is highly influenced by the concept ‘Pareto Principle’ or 80-20 rule, where it is targeted to enable a web developer to gain 80% productivity with 20% of effort with respect to learning curve and production.

Iris Generator

Iris generator is a a code generator engine based on plug-ins. For the alpha version the project is released with a SQLServer 2005 database analyser, a CRUD creator, a Stored Procedure generator for SQLServer 2005 and a DataAccess Layer generator for VB.Net and C#. The modular achitecture allows to quickly build new generators in C# or VB.Net so that the user does not have to learn a specific template language. You can generate almost anything you like, even batch files if you want.

Kerosene ORM

Kerosene is a self-adaptive and configuration-less ORM library, with a SQL syntax based on C# dynamics, WCF, and Entity Framework capabilities for POCO objects.

LittleUmph (417 kB)
It's a little library to help you to alleviate some of the mundane stuff during your development. It has some nifty stuff like a neat database wrapper, conversion utilities, string functions and vast of other mini helpers to improve the efficiency and consistency of your code.

XLG Pipeline : XML Library Generator (XLG) : MetaData ->XML ->XSL ->Code (25,4 MB)
XLG is a pipeline based code generator that walks meta sources (database tables, folder/files, or XML), turns the structure into XML and transforms the XML using XSL. An excellent C# LINQ-esque DAL code library XSLT is included. Uses NXLT2 and heavily rewritten SubSonic code.

Zack's Fiasco - Code Generated DAL (209 kB)
Generate your CRUD Stored procedures. Write your own custom stored procedrues. Now, generate generate a complete data access layer that is Data Bindable.