ADO.NET Toolkit

This library is created to boost productivity and performance by addressing issues that we face in real-life projects, while using ADO.NET. Use this library to

Advanced SQL Server Dependencies

Advanced SQL Server Dependencies allows you to discover dependencies between database objects across multiple servers and databases.

AutoProc - The Stored Procedure Generator (35 kB)
AutoProc (The Stored Procedure Generator) is a (simple to use and compatible across multiple editions) set of stored procedures which generates getter and setter procedures for complex Sql Server 2000/2005/2008 (Express/Workgroup/Standard/Enterprise/Developer) tables.

Big SQL Script File Runner

Here's project that enables any developers or others to run the big sql script file greater than 300MB or any size. It also supports rollback feature & others.

Chinook Database

Chinook is a sample database available for SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, etc. It can be created by running a single SQL script.


CoolStorage.NET is a fully typed Object Relational Mapping library for .NET 2.0. Advanced use of generics make this ORM library extremely intuitive to use. As of May 1st, 2009, this project has been moved to the Vici Project (

Data Access Engine (DAE) (6,3 MB)
Data Access Engine (DAE) is an open source and free .NET component to access all popular DBMSs such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft Access, SQLite and databases that connected by ODBC. DAE helps to connect different DBMSs at the same time.

Black Falcon Software's Database Data-Access-Layers (198,5 MB)
This project is actually a combination of several individual projects, which, provide individual, easy to use, data access layers for a number of popular databa

Database Synchronizer

Command line application built on top of RedGate's SQL Toolkit that allows developers to synchronize the schema and contents of their local databases to and from source control.

DataBooster - Extension to ADO.NET Data Provider

The dbParallel DataBooster library is a high-performance extension to ADO.NET Data Provider. (DbAccess, OracleLauncher and SqlLauncher for accessing mass data)

SQL Server Data Compare

* Compare the *data* in two databases record by record. * Generate *html compare results* with interactive interface. * Generate *T-SQL synchronization scripts*

DataCore Technologies - Scribe

A database development tool that fully documents the current data model of one or more Sql Server databases.

Data Dictionary Creator

Data Dictionary Creator (DDC) is a simple application which helps you document SQL Server databases. It stores all the information in Extended Properties, so it's easier to keep the documentation in sync with the database as it changes.


Browse your data and optionally script it - the smart way.

The Database Build Tool (64 kB)
There are lots of great applications to script out and find differences in SQL Server schemas. What I think is missing is a flexible tool to reassemble your scripts and deploy them easily. This tool provides a means of combining the scripts into a single SQL file or have them run against a database in an order you specify. There is also an option for keeping track of which scripts have been applied to a database to help deploy schema changes in a much easier way.

DB Compare (86,7 MB)
DB Compare is a simple utility that compares the schema (Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures) of two SQL Server databases.

ADO .Net DBConnection Library

ADO .Net DataSource Library. Allows simple creation of ADO .Net Database projects by automating the process from creating the ADO Connection object to creating the dataadapter and auto generating all insert/update statements and thus providing a databinding source by which to bind controls to at the end of the process. Example: CDataSource DataSource = new (ConnectionString, DBType); DataSource.AddTable(TableName,QueryName,SQL,AutoGen, AltAutoGen); Datagrid.DataSource = DataSource.GetBindingSource(QueryName); This means fewer lines of code are required to get a functioning binding source up and running. The library supports SQLServer, OLE and ODBC Providers. Oracle .Net Provider can be built into this library if needed in future versions.

SQL Server Database Copy Tool (731 kB)
Simple tool to copy databases from one SQL Server to another.

DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) (23,5 MB)
DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) is a lightweight, high performance ORM compnent for .Net. It provides MVC, IoC framework as well.

Database Modeling Excel

The utility is an Excel workbook for designing databases, supports MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite and SQL Server.