Design for Operations (11,5 MB)
Project focused on developing tools and guidance to help enable the development of highly manageable applications on the Windows platform.

NUnitForVS (4,4 MB)
NUnitForVS is a NUnit integration in Visual Studio 2008. Compared to other NUnit runners for Visual Studio that allow you to just run the tests, NUnitForVS integrates NUnit tests in Visual Studio Unit Test Runtime. This allows you to run your tests along with other tests (ex. VSUnit, TestComplete etc.) during TFS integration builds and publish the results on Team Foundation Server. It also supports Code Coverage feature of Visual Studio.

.NET Reflector Add-Ins

Add-Ins for .NET Reflector

Scrum Dashboard

Scrum Dashboard is a web front-end for Scrum for Team System from EMC2 (formerly known as Conchango). The main goal of this project is to simplify daily work with Scrum artifacts in Team Foundation Server and complements Scrum Masters Workbench.

patterns & practices - Smart Client Guidance (181,5 MB)
Welcome to the Community workspace of patterns & practices Smart Client offerings.