CCDroid (94 kB)
CCDroid is a CruiseControl.NET monitor for android based phones.

CCNet Assembly Info patcher plugin

Simple AssemblyInfo.cs patcher plugin for CruiseControl.NET

CruiseControl.Net (CCNet) Build Station

The CCNet Build Station is a Windows Forms application that runs the CruiseControl.NET Continuous Integration Build Server without installation and without depending on IIS by using a provided version of the Cassini web server. Ideal for providing a local build server.

CCNet Conditional Plugin

CCNet Conditional Plugin allows CCNet to perform tasks based on a set of different conditions like Build condition, status, file existence ect.

CCNetConfig (166,0 MB)
CCNetConfig is a GUI tool to create and maintain the ccnet configuration file for CruiseControl.NET.

CCNet Jabber plugin

ccnet plugin for creating jabber publisher task. This will help in publishing the ccnet's build integration results to the concerned developers via jabber. It's developed in C#.Net 3.5 as this is the current version supported by ccnet 1.6

CC.NET Community PlugIns

Designed to be a repository for many different plugins for CruiseControl.NET. Hope to have many users contributing plugins to the repository.

Cruise Control .NET Pre-Tested Commit Extension

In this project i am going to extend cruise control with pre-tested commit feature. This extension protects the code base from incorrect code. All code modification are submitted into version control ONLY if all defined requirements are met.

Landpy.CruiseControlNet.ConfigurationSidekick (BoostSolutions)

This sidekick of CCNet will help you to complete the configuration, I provide the SharePoint solution template when the tool release.

TFS TeamBuild Task for CruiseControl.NET

A plug-in for CruiseControl.NET (CCNet) that provides support for Team Foundation Server Team Build, thus providing a continuous integration solution for TFS in the familiar surroundings of CCNet.

CCStatistics for CruiseControl.NET 1.4

CCStatistics allows you to rebuild your historical statistics information from all your legacy build results. This is critical if you add a new statistic to measure, as by 'out of the box' it will not import any existing information. This solves that issue when the data (via XPat

CCzoomr (5,9 MB)
CCzoomr is a complete replacement for the existing CCNet web dashboard that uses the Microsoft MVC Framework.

CodePlex Release Publisher for CruiseControl.NET (68 kB)
A publisher for CruiseControl.NET that wraps the CodePlex API to submit a release. In some cases, a publisher may be a better candidate then using MSBuild task because the CodePlex API requires a user name and password to submit the release. The ccnet.config file usually wont be controlled by CodePlex Source Control but the MSBuild script usually is.


Monitors the database to change between two times. If any changes are found, they are read and returned.

MSBuild Extended Tasks

A collection of tasks that perform tasks to help automate the entire build process.


A re-usable framework and Toolsets to integrate MSbuild,MSTest,Nunit,SVN,VSS,VSTS,NCover,VstsCodeCoverage,Ndepend,Fxcop,StyleCop,,IIS deployment tasks,DB tasks from a cool WebInterface.

Tam Tam (3,6 MB)
Project that contains most of the opensource stuff developers from Tam Tam will share. SharePoint 2007 Webparts and Solutions and other components for the ASP.Net 2.0 platform.

TFS Plug-in for CruiseControl.NET

A plug-in to allow communication with Team Foundation Server for the popular open source build automation tool CruiseControl.NET


UpdateVersion is a command-line utility that can update .NET AssemblyInfo files in any language. Typically, UpdateVersion is used in conjunction with Nant build scripts to autogenerate new version numbers; however, it can be executed from anywhere to get or set updated version numbers. Behind the scenes, UpdateVersion searches it's input for a .NET AssemblyVersion attribute. Using this, a new version number is calculated using one of several algorithms.