Powershell script - Hyper V (start stop save suspend shutdown snapshot)

capilla.zip (39 kB)
Powershell script to manage Hyper V virtual machines (start stop save suspend pause shutdown snapshot). Here it is - a script that does it for you. Bug-Reports are very welcome. Usable for automated tasks. ***Comments and suggestions welcome*** Regards Daniel Capilla

Tutorial: Common Design Patterns in C# 4.0

Tutorial: Common Design Patterns in C# 4.0


dfasharp.zip (1,5 MB)
DFA# is project that was created to provide a way to facilitate the design and simulation of Deterministic finite state automatons as well as to provide library

DnnC Accordion category menu for NBStore

An accordion category menu for NB Store that keeps the state via cookies


Jazz.zip (4,0 MB)
Jazz is a compact, modular framework that allows new, or existing, applications to easily employ roles, states, ACLs and void safety. Jazz provides security by allowing objects, and their methods and properties, to have their visibility and accessibility controlled, on a per instance basis, by roles, object states and ACLs. Jazz allows complete workflows to be implemented in only a few hundred lines of C# or VB code. Build robust, secure applications quickly with Jazz.

Mini HSM (Hierarchical State Machine)

MiniHSM.zip (27 kB)
A fast lightweight implementation of a Hierarchical State Machine (HSM) for .NET 4, Windows Store Apps, Windows Phone and Silverlight.


ministate.zip (1,9 MB)
MiniState simplifies managing cookie information or other string based property stores. MiniState attempts to minimise the amount of data required to store values, protect values from tampering using HMAC validation, reduce the risk of replay attacks by specifying a valid lifetime of the values and mitigate the difficulties of handling cookies set by previous revisions by using version numbers.

MongoDB ASP.NET Session State Store Provider

MongoDB Session State Provider. This implementation allows server failure without interruptions in a Replica Set environment.


rulawnet.zip (4,2 MB)
.NET library for official Russian State Duma API web service for querying and searching information of laws, deputies, authorities, sessions, votings, etc

M<'a> Lib (F#/C# Monads Library)

SharpMaLib.zip (3,1 MB)
Unified collection of Monads (M, unit, *) implemented in the Microsoft F# Language.

state.cs (Finite State Machine)

state.zip (1,5 MB)
State.cs is a high performance hierarchical finite state machine (HFSM) for .NET written in C# drawing from UML 2 state machine semantics.

State Script

This Project Provides Basic tool kit for Serialization and Deserialization of Object From/to a script named as StateScript

Work Item Visualization

Use DGML to visualize and analyze your TFS Work Items. Included is the ability to perform basic risk/impact analysis. It helps answer the question, "if I change this requirement, what is my potential impact to other requirements?"

Windows Workflow (State Machine), Duplex WCF Service, WPF and Silverlight

This Visual Studio solution demonstrates a complex implementation, which is a simple order process system, utilizing Windows Workflow (state machine), duplex WCF services(TCP duplex and Silverlight polling), WPF and Silverlight.

Windows Phone Stateful Framework

A framework to correctly implement the Windows Phone tombstoned state.