patterns & practices – Enterprise Library (368,0 MB)
Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of reusable software components (application blocks) addressing common cross-cutting concerns.

SvnBridge - Use TortoiseSVN with Team Foundation Server (17,3 MB)
SvnBridge allows you to use TortoiseSVN and other Subversion clients with Team Foundation Server. It converts the calls made by your Subversion client to the API supported by TFS.

TFS Plug-in for CruiseControl.NET

A plug-in to allow communication with Team Foundation Server for the popular open source build automation tool CruiseControl.NET

TFS Projects (54,4 MB)
Lists all projects and users for a given TFS instance, or optionally lists users for only one specified project. Users are grouped into their server groups.

TFS User List in Perl (50 kB) will gather how many users are supported on a given TFS instance. Default TFS installations don't provide this info without painful drudgery.

Visual Studio ALM Quick Reference Guide

The VS ALM Guidance is a library of compact how-tos for TFS and VS for ALM experts who have no time and would like a "quick" overview.