
DbWebApi.zip (13,8 MB)
DbWebApi is a nuget library that implement an entirely generic Web API for data-driven applications. It acts as a proxy for web clients to call database sp.


harrby.zip (2,1 MB)
Harrby CMS { Content Management Sytems } with Microsoft .NET 3.5. Harrby is MultiProvider Support for CMS { Xml, Access, MsSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Custom }


OpenStreetMap2Oracle is a windows application, which exports OpenStreetMap Data (*.osm - files) in an oracle database. The geometries will be stored in oracle's SDO_GEOMETRY datatype. It is developed in C Sharp with modern WPF - UI.

OpenNETCF.ORM Framework

orm.zip (69,5 MB)
The OpenNETCF.ORM library is a lightweight object-relational mapping framework designed for use with the .NET Compact Framework, the full .NET Framework and Mono for Android (a.k.a. MonoDroid) and Mono for iOS (MonoTouch). The framework is extensible to allow any type of backing store. Implementations using SQL Server Compact and SQLite are provided.

Object/Relational Mapper & Code Generator in Net 2.0 for Relational & XML Schema

Picasso.zip (51,2 MB)
Framework for RAD against relational database (and xml), using a sophisticated, easy-to-use OO model (3-tier). Supports multiple database platforms. Uses generics and partial classes. Supports ADO transactions (doesnt require MSDTC). Includes a winforms Class Generatator for auto

Toolsverse ETL Framework

toolsverseetl.zip (317,8 MB)
ETL Framework is an Extract Transform Load engine written in Java. It includes executables for major platforms and can be integrated into other applications.

.NET Unified Data Tier (Devv.Core.UniDataTier)

Devv.Core.UniDataTier is a generic and easy to use data access layer compatible with SQL Server, Oracle, OleDb and ODBC. Support for other databases (MySQL was tested in the early stages) can be easily added using the provided Enum and overloaded methods. Supports inline SQL and also Store Procedures. This is intended to be easy to use, not the most advanced data library out there.