Activate Your Glutes

Activate Your Glutes is a website for tracking fitness progress as you grind it out in the gym, developed using ASP.Net MVC, JQuery and Entity Framework.

AD Gallery (17,6 MB)
A highly customizable gallery/showcase plugin for jQuery.

JQuery Ajax Progress Bar

Ajax Progress Bar provides ASP.NET developers the facility to display a progress bar while retrieving a result of an ajax call and it also allows uses to display real time progress of ajax process. AjaxProgressBar is devloped using ASP.NET, Jquery UI and Jquery ajax calls.


AltairStudios.Core is a MVC fullstack framework extension with utils and administration. Core is a application core with a ORM to connecto to database with models, auto administration tool, and utilities.

AMF: ASP.NET Mobile Framework (1,5 MB)
ASP.NET Mobile Framework (AMF) is a framework for making web application for most-used tablet and smartphone web browsers. (Based on JQuery Mobile)

aQuery.js (281 kB)
aQuery.js is an JavaScript Array Library that is designed to work with modern browsers, not so modern browsers, and node.js.

ASP.NET MVC Validation Library

ASP.NET MVC Validation Library addresses the need of validating data rules for business entities at both server-side and client-side.

ASP.NET (101,0 MB)
This project gives you access to the code for upcoming releases that the ASP.NET team is working on, starting with the ASP.NET MVC Framework. Awesome - jQuery Ajax Controls

samples for Awesome jQuery Ajax Controls ( ) Demonstrating the following controls: AjaxDropdown, Lookup, MultiLookup, AjaxRadioList, AjaxCheckboxList and AjaxRadioList

ASP.NET Database Application using AJAX and JSON (1,3 MB)
Data management solution using ASP.NET, AJAX, JSON.Net and JQuery. Also use SQL database and SQL stored procedure to perform data operation (CRUD).

ASP.NET validators controls with error messages in bootstrap tooltip or popover

ASP.NET validators controls with error messages in bootstrap tooltip or popover components.

AspSooperFish Menu

AspSooperFish is simple and powerful menu depend on SooperFish Jquery Plugin which is used in Drupal. It is new generation menu it generate very clean html tags (ul , li and a) tags

Active Social - Twitter Integration (199 kB)
Allows displaying tweet messages belonging to the user whose profile is being viewed in Active Social user profile.

ASP .NET MVC CMS (Content Management System) (37,6 MB)
Open source Content management system based on ASP.NET MVC platform.

AutoComplete.Net (for Asp.Net and Asp.Net MVC)

AutoComplete.Net is a wrapper around the JQuery UI Autocomplete widget. It makes it easier to add autocomplete functionalities to Asp.Net and Asp.Net MVC

Autosize textarea jQuery plugin

A jQuery plugin to Autosize a textarea whenever a key is released or text is pasted. MVC Awesome - jQuery Ajax helpers (232,8 MB)
rich set of helpers used to build highly responsive ajax-enabled Web applications. These helpers include the Grid, AjaxDropdown, PopupForm, Lookup and more

BannerAd: An Open Source Banner Ad Module

This is an open source banner ad module for ASP.NET 3.5. It allows users to see how many times their ad has been clicked and seen. Users can subscribe to a web service to see stats on their ad. This example users ASP.NET AJAX, LINQ and jQuery to pull data.

BlogEngine.Net Jquery Extensions (BENJE) (89 kB)
BENJE (BlogEngine.Net JQuery Extensions) is a collection of jquery and jquery add-ons built to work with BlogEngine.Net.

BgEngine (25 kB)
BgEngine allow users to create a personal blog. This is a blog engine built using ASP MVC 3, jQuery and Entity Framework Code First