
32feet.zip (56,0 MB)
32feet.NET is project to make personal area networking technologies such as Bluetooth, Infrared (IrDA) and OBEX, easily accessible from .NET code.

Foursquare for Windows Phone 7

4square.zip (8,5 MB)
Foursquare for Windows Phone 7.

51Degrees - Device Detection and Redirection

51degrees.zip (106,6 MB)
51degrees accurately detects devices including mobile phones, tablets and TV providing details to .NET developers via the Request.Browser object or SQL server.


AdblogCat.zip (102 kB)
ADB LogCat Manager tool generates the colorful log in console windows of tool. This tool will deliver for testing purpose where user can debug their phone and get running log of particular mobile phone.

adMob for Windows Phone 7

adMobWP7.zip (94 kB)
This project aims to provide Windows Phone 7 developers an opportunity to monetize their free applications. The output of the project is a User Control that can be dropped into any Silverlight page.

Agile Poker Cards for Windows Mobile

During a scrum or other agile processes, you have to estimate the size of a user story during a planning session. With the Agile Poker Cards program there is no need for using real cards anymore!


AlphaMobileControls is a .NET Compact Framework 2.0 API offering WinForm Controls for Windows Mobile 5 or 6 able to handle images with alpha channel and alpha blending.

AMF: ASP.NET Mobile Framework

amf.zip (1,5 MB)
ASP.NET Mobile Framework (AMF) is a framework for making web application for most-used tablet and smartphone web browsers. (Based on JQuery Mobile)

ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit v4.5

The ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit demonstrates how you can use ASP.NET and the .NET Framework to build a dynamic portal application.

Bango Android Application Analytics SDK

Bango application analytics is an analytics solution for mobile applications. This SDK provides a framework you can use in your application to add analytics capabilities to your mobile applications. It's developed in Java and targets the Android operating system.

Bango Apple iOS Application Analytics SDK

Bango application analytics is an analytics solution for mobile applications. This SDK provides a framework you can use in your application to add analytics capabilities to your mobile applications. It's developed in Object C and targets the Apple iOS operating system.

Bango BlackBerry Application Analytics SDK

Bango application analytics is an analytics solution for mobile applications. This SDK provides a framework you can use in your application to add analytics capabilities to your mobile applications. It's developed in Java and targets the RIM BlackBerry operating system.

Bango Nokia Java Application Analytics SDK

Bango application analytics is an analytics solution for mobile applications. This SDK provides a framework you can use in your application to add analytics capabilities to your mobile applications. It's developed in Java and targets the Nokia Symbian operating system.

Bango Nokia WRT Application Analytics SDK

Bango application analytics is an analytics solution for mobile applications. This SDK provides a framework you can use in your application to add analytics capabilities to mobile applications that are developed using the Nokia Web Runtime v1.1.

Bango Windows Phone 7 Application Analytics SDK

Bango application analytics is an analytics solution for mobile applications. This SDK provides a framework you can use in your application to add analytics capabilities to your mobile applications. It's developed in C#.NET (4.0) and targets the Windows Phone 7 operating system.

JETware Hands-Free Extension for Windows Mobile

bthfx.zip (299 kB)
JETware Mobile Software is releasing the source code for its Hands-free Extension. Extends the Windows Mobile implementation of the Bluetooth Hands-free Profile to provide additional features. See www.jetwaremobile.com for feature details.

Open SSH for Windows CE

CESSH.zip (3,8 MB)
SSH is a set of standards and an associated network protocol that allows establishing a secure channel between a local and a remote computer. It uses public-key cryptography to authenticate the remote computer and (optionally) to allow the remote computer to authenticate the user.

View current weather stats for multiple cities in a single mobile web page

View current weather temperature, low & high, icon & humidity for multiple cities in a single web page on mobile devices. Uses ASP.NET MVC & jQuery Mobile

Samples for the Citrix Mobile SDK for Windows Apps

This site contains our latest prototype samples for the Citrix Mobile SDK for Windows Apps for you to play with.


cloudfox.zip (28,8 MB)
Cloudfox is a free open source Windows Phone 7 application that allows you to wireless synchronize your Firefox Weave bookmarks, history items and open tabs to your mobile phone. It is similar to Firefox Home for the iPhone platform. With Cloudfox your mobile phone and your Firefox will always be in sync. The application is developed in C# and is currently targeting phones running Nodo; future versions will require Mango.