ActiveRecord in C# by Abel Perez

This ActiveRecord Framework was kicked off before the launch of C# 3.0 and LINQ and might be a little outdated relative to some of the things you can do now a days right out the box.

ADO.NET Toolkit

This library is created to boost productivity and performance by addressing issues that we face in real-life projects, while using ADO.NET. Use this library to

ADOOR (9,0 MB)
Object/Relational mapping framework leveraging ADO.NET`s powerful disconnected mode. Supports an effective object query language based on relational operators including join. Adoor.Net is a .NET 2.0 framework based on both Eldorado.Net project and ObjectBroker project. Although it inherits many aspect from Eldorado, it also add several improvements (namely strongly typed collections).

Data Access Engine (DAE) (6,3 MB)
Data Access Engine (DAE) is an open source and free .NET component to access all popular DBMSs such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft Access, SQLite and databases that connected by ODBC. DAE helps to connect different DBMSs at the same time.

Dafuscator (6,7 MB)
Dafuscator is a database data obfuscation system that allows you to tactically obfuscate or delete data out of your production database while leaving most of the data intact.

A lightweight database access component

DataAccessor是一个轻量级的数据访问组件,通过DataAccessor您可以方便的拥有如下特性: 1.支持通过事务执行多条SQL语句,而不需要在SQL语句中编写事务处理代码; 2.支持异步操作数据库; 3.支持单连接模式操作数据库,对于MSAccess等不支持连接池的数据库系统能够大幅降低因为反复打开或关闭数据库连接耗费的时间,提高访问数据库效率; 4.支持通过配置文件切换不同的DBMS,例如:SqlServer、Oracle或者MSAccess,对于需支持多DBMS的系统,再也不需要写N个数据访问层的实现; 5.支持扩展,您可以很方便的扩展DataAccess以支持更多的DBMS; 6.支持把Sql语句通过xml文件配置到代码外并且不用改变dbms的SQL语句的写法,修改sql语句再也不需要重新编译源代码; 7.轻量级,仅一个DLL即可支持上述所有特性……

ADO .Net DBConnection Library

ADO .Net DataSource Library. Allows simple creation of ADO .Net Database projects by automating the process from creating the ADO Connection object to creating the dataadapter and auto generating all insert/update statements and thus providing a databinding source by which to bind controls to at the end of the process. Example: CDataSource DataSource = new (ConnectionString, DBType); DataSource.AddTable(TableName,QueryName,SQL,AutoGen, AltAutoGen); Datagrid.DataSource = DataSource.GetBindingSource(QueryName); This means fewer lines of code are required to get a functioning binding source up and running. The library supports SQLServer, OLE and ODBC Providers. Oracle .Net Provider can be built into this library if needed in future versions.

DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) (23,5 MB)
DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) is a lightweight, high performance ORM compnent for .Net. It provides MVC, IoC framework as well.

DbIdiom for ADO.NET Core (254 kB)
DbIdiom is a set of idioms to use ADO.NET Core (without Dataset) easily.

Database Lookup (800 kB)
Database query tool built in c# using framework 4.0. Very small, lightweight database query tool.

DbNetData (549 kB)
A collection of cross vendor database interface classes for .NET written in C# providing a consistent and simplified way of accessing SQL Server, SQL Server CE,Oracle,Access,Access 2007,MySql,DB2,Visual FoxPro,dBASE,Paradox,Pervasive,Firebird,VistaDB and Postgresql databases.

DBView (453 kB)
DBView is a generic database client developed using the .NET framework. Currently it supports connections to the Oracle DataBase. Its developed in C#.

DbWebApi (13,8 MB)
DbWebApi is a nuget library that implement an entirely generic Web API for data-driven applications. It acts as a proxy for web clients to call database sp.

EffiProz - A Pure C# Database (34,0 MB)
EffiProz is a pure C# database that can be easily deployed in cloud, standalone & embedded configurations.

High Performance Enterprise Library by FishDawg (15,7 MB)
This .Net class library is designed to integrate into enterprise applications to help support their high performance and reliability requirements. The focus of the Enterprise Library is to provide simple and robust mechanisms that take full advantage of the amazing capabilities already in the .Net Framework and extend those capabilities to support the needs of enterprise applications. The first major component of the library is the Operations Framework. The Operations Framework provides flexible and efficient support for asynchronous operations that can fully utilize the power of computers with multiple processors and make I/O operations much faster.

IvyORM (39,2 MB)
Extremely simple yet powerful ORM that extends DbConnection and DbTransaction. With IvyORM boilerplate code is reduced while keeping SQL a first class citizen.

Linquify (931 kB)
Linquify is a Visual Studio 2008/2010 Addin and C# .NET business class / DTO generator for LINQ to SQL and the Entity Framework. It supports rapid development of .NET and ASP .NET web application data layers allowing you to query as: Person.Load(5); Person.Name="n"; Person.Save()

nDeveloper Framework (49,8 MB)
Framework de mapeamento objeto/relacional, acesso a multi-banco de dados, geração de código e produtividade.


OpenStreetMap2Oracle is a windows application, which exports OpenStreetMap Data (*.osm - files) in an oracle database. The geometries will be stored in oracle's SDO_GEOMETRY datatype. It is developed in C Sharp with modern WPF - UI.

SQLite ADO.NET for Windows Phone

Windows Phone is missing SQLite. This project fixes that :) And does so by giving the community the interfaces we've grown to know and love; IDbConnection, IDbCommand, IDbTransaction and, IDbReader. Thanks so much to the pioneers before me who ported the c++ to c#!