AStar Sample WPF Application by Ben Scharbach

The A* Pathfinding component contains an A* Manager, with three A* path finding engines, allowing for 3 simultaneous path searches on PC and XBOX. - By Ben

Black Surface Toolkit

Ensemble de contrôles, behaviors, shaders, converteurs et utilitaires pour Microsoft Surface : Contrôles : - CanvasScatterView - CoverFlow - GrowingContainer - Panels - SurfaceExpander Utilitaires : - ContactTracking - Extensions Behaviors : - ScatterViewFlingOutBehavior

Catel - application development platform with MVVM support (WPF, SL, WP, WinRT) (866,8 MB)
Catel is an application development platform with the focus on MVVM (WPF, SL, WP and WinRT) and MVC (ASP.NET MVC 4).

WPF Data Virtualization

Component for displaying and interacting a large data set in WPF application.

Fluent Validation for .NET

A small validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules for your business objects.

FluidKit (4,4 MB)
This is a WPF library containing a powerhouse of controls, frameworks, helpers, tools, etc. for productive WPF development. If you have ever heard of Drag and Drop with Attached properties, ElementFlow, GlassWindow, this is the library that will contain all such goodies.

Metro Toolkit

MetroToolkit is open source project, a place where we can share new components and functionality for designers, developers, and the community to provide an efficient way to help shape product development in Metro inspired applications based on the Metro UI Design Guidelines.

Mud Designer (33,7 MB)
The Mud Designer allows developers a quick and simple approach to generating text based game content and an easier way to manage their MUD games.

Mugen MVVM Toolkit

Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop Silverlight, WPF, WinRT and WP applications using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern.

MyToolkit for .NET (82,4 MB)
MyToolkit is a set of .NET libraries containing lots of useful classes for various .NET platforms like WinRT (Universal apps), Windows Phone and WPF.

nRoute Framework (16,3 MB)
nRoute is a composite application framework for creating navigation driven applications in Silverlight, WPF, Windows Phone, and WinRT.

Saraff.Twain.NET (29,3 MB)
Saraff.Twain.NET is the skilful scanning component which allows you to control work of flatbed scanner any other TWAIN device from from .NET environment.

Silverlight Toolkit (498,0 MB)
Silverlight Toolkit and Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit are a set of Microsoft components for developers.

Silverlight Simon (140,4 MB)
Composite Surface/WPF/Silverlight 3/Silverlight 3 OOB project for fun and for demo-ing going from Silverlight to WPF and the use or resources in both kinds of projects and then again going from WPF to Surface allowing users to show the differences between all 3.5 environments.

Silverlight & WPF Timeline Control (68,6 MB)
Interactive Silverlight and WPF timeline control.

WinRT XAML Toolkit

A set of controls, extensions and helper classes for Windows Runtime XAML applications.

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) (124,4 MB)
This is the main site for updates on the WPF roadmap and the portal for accessing the WPF Toolkit and the WPF Futures releases.

WPF Control Toolkit

WPF Control Toolkit is an extensible and powerful presentation framework based on WPF (aka avalon) platform. The framework implements many visual controls fully integrated in Visual Studio.


WPFDeveloperTools (previously know as "Fun Controls Bag") is a set of tools/controls available to WPF developers. Currently, it's composed by 1 tool and 11 controls, including: * BindableRunControl * CheckedComboBox * CheckedListBox * ConfirmButton * PresenceControl * RichTextBoxWithToolBar * Etc...

Extended WPF Toolkit™ Community Edition (295,0 MB)
The Extended WPF Toolkit™ is the number one collection of WPF controls, components and utilities for creating next generation Windows applications.