Brainiac Designer (12,8 MB)
Brainiac Designer is an open-source visual behaviour tree editor. It allows you to build behaviour trees by using simply drag&drop. The editor supports plugins, exporters and stores behaviours as XML files.


Buscayasminas is an open source "Minesweeper" alike game totally written in DHTML (JavaScript, CSS and HTML) that uses mouse and keyboard optionally. This cross-platform and cross-browser game was tested under BeOS, Linux, *BSD, Windows and others.

CCStatistics for CruiseControl.NET 1.4

CCStatistics allows you to rebuild your historical statistics information from all your legacy build results. This is critical if you add a new statistic to measure, as by 'out of the box' it will not import any existing information. This solves that issue when the data (via XPat

Conectayas (437 kB)
Conectayas is an open source "Connect Four" alike game but transformable to "Tic-Tac-Toe" and to a lot of similar games that uses mouse. Written in DHTML (JavaScript, CSS and HTML). Very configurable. This cross-platform and cross-browser game was tested under BeOS, Linux, *BSD, Windows and others.

F# Artificial Intelligence Library - An Implementation of Selected AI Methods (131 kB)
An implementation of selected AI methods in F# language.

Hundiyas (1,3 MB)
Hundiyas is an open source "Battleship" alike game totally written in DHTML (JavaScript, CSS and HTML) that uses mouse. This cross-platform and cross-browser game was tested under BeOS, Linux, *BSD, Windows and others.

SmartMap (136,3 MB)
SmartMap (C# cross-platform) is a procedural style map creation utility mainly for the Axiom 3D rendering engine. Included is a GDI+ 2D world editor with graphical features and soon your choice of renderer and scene manager to create your preferred world perspective.

Temporal-Wars XNA Indie Game Engine (821,0 MB)
Temporal Wars 3D Engine includes a full suite of WYSIWG tools designed for rapid creation of your game world. Created for myself (Ben), now available for FREE.

Yasminoku (209 kB)
Yasminoku is an open source "Sudoku" alike game totally written in DHTML (JavaScript, CSS and HTML) that uses mouse. Includes sudoku solver. This cross-platform and cross-browser game was tested under BeOS, Linux, *BSD, Windows and others.


Yasminuroban is an open source "Sokoban" (aka "Warehouse Keeper" or "Boxes") alike game totally written in DHTML (JavaScript, CSS and HTML) that uses keyboard. Includes level editor. This cross-platform and cross-browser game was tested under BeOS, Linux, *BSD, Windows and others.