BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles (3,8 MB)
BibWord makes it easier to create and manipulate Microsoft Word citation and bibliography styles. BibWord also resolves several limitations of the basic implementation by Microsoft. For end-users, BibWord offers a collection of easy to use styles.

Elysium Extra (159,9 MB)
Elysium Extra is a library that implements Metro style for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications. Built on top of the Elysium SDK.

SGB Controls

SGB Controls is a set of standard .net controls that include a number of enhancements to make life easier for the developer. These controls include a number of enhancements over the standard controls and introduce a number of new controls not yet shipped with the .net framkework

WPF : Styling a Combobox, Button and a TabItem (172 kB)
WPF Styles project shows how to create styles for Combobox, Tabltem and Button. Ready to use styles. Can be modified. Created in the style file).