BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles (3,8 MB)
BibWord makes it easier to create and manipulate Microsoft Word citation and bibliography styles. BibWord also resolves several limitations of the basic implementation by Microsoft. For end-users, BibWord offers a collection of easy to use styles.

Data Workflow Activities (452 kB)
OData and SQL Server Workflow Activities and Designers


.communities is an AJAX-enabled, multi-user content management system that allows for an individual or an ISP to quickly create and administer a collaborative website such as a club site, a user group site, or a news site. Based on the popular source code of the original Community Starter Kit (CSK) released in 2003, it has a number of standard content modules and supports multiple site/url configurations via a single database. .communities contains all the features that you would expect to find in any other Web 2.0 application; HTML content, Wikis, Blogs, Discussions, Photo Galleries, RSS Newsfeeds etc. as well as a plethora of advanced configuration options and settings. Out of the box, .communities has everything you need to create and manage most types of site - its easy to use and runs on a core framework that can be fully customised if required.


HydroDesktop is a free and open source desktop application developed in C# .NET that serves as a client for CUAHSI HIS WaterOneFlow web services data and includes data discovery, download, visualization, editing, and integration with other analysis and modeling tools.

Jerusalem2032J2IL Published Project

Jerusalem2032J2IL design approach is a file system -content addressable-a mutable index (also called stage or cache) and automate parts of Android development.

Discussion column for MOSS 2007

Discussion column for MOSS 2007/ (WSS 3.0) is a field column for different type lists such as Custom List, Document Library, Issue Tracking, not only for Issue Tracking type list. This control displays comments for item of list.