BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles (3,8 MB)
BibWord makes it easier to create and manipulate Microsoft Word citation and bibliography styles. BibWord also resolves several limitations of the basic implementation by Microsoft. For end-users, BibWord offers a collection of easy to use styles.

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

Dynamic Component Runtime Framework (DCRF) (4,1 MB)
This project is a framework which encourages developers to think/design/implement based on component based software development approach. The high level of flexibility in this framework, makes implementing really complex component networks easy and straightforward.

PSEdition - SharePoint Extension

This project is designated for SharePoint Administrators (Powershell) / Developers (C# / SharePoint) for better managing SharePoint permission / C# object.

Run As This User!

Run As This User! Allows application to run under different user accounts without exposing credentials to end users.