ADOOR (9,0 MB)
Object/Relational mapping framework leveraging ADO.NET`s powerful disconnected mode. Supports an effective object query language based on relational operators including join. Adoor.Net is a .NET 2.0 framework based on both Eldorado.Net project and ObjectBroker project. Although it inherits many aspect from Eldorado, it also add several improvements (namely strongly typed collections).


AltairStudios.Core is a MVC fullstack framework extension with utils and administration. Core is a application core with a ORM to connecto to database with models, auto administration tool, and utilities.

DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) (23,5 MB)
DbEntry.Net (Leafing Framework) is a lightweight, high performance ORM compnent for .Net. It provides MVC, IoC framework as well.

DataObjects.Net Extensions

DataObjects.Net Extensions project

EzyCMS - Easy and Simple CMS made by ASP.Net MVC (33,5 MB)
EzyCMS makes both of end user and developer enjoy CMS benefit and extendability to perform requirements. The design principles: EASY TO USE, EASY TO EXTEND, FLEXIBLE AND PWOERFUL TECHNOLOGY: ASP.Net MVC2, NHibernate, StructureMap, JQuery

FNHMVC (231,0 MB)
FNHMVC is an architectural foundation for building maintainable web applications with ASP.NET, MVC, NHibernate & Autofac.

Habanero (6,0 MB)
An Enterprise Application Framework for .Net that produces an agile application from the data layer through to the front-end. Free open source under the LGPL license, it includes ORM and UI generation to create one application for the desktop & web.

HSDK: DDD, WCF, Web API, RavenDB, validation, MVVM, WPF, MVC (5,8 MB)
Hyperion Software Development Kit (HSDK) is a "real world collection of components" for an enterprise application developed with the latest technologies.

Linquify (931 kB)
Linquify is a Visual Studio 2008/2010 Addin and C# .NET business class / DTO generator for LINQ to SQL and the Entity Framework. It supports rapid development of .NET and ASP .NET web application data layers allowing you to query as: Person.Load(5); Person.Name="n"; Person.Save()

NHibernate with Problem-Design-Solution

Project to accompany the NHibernate with Problem-Design-Solution Wrox Blox by Scott Millett, demonstrating how to use NHibernate within a web context ( whilst applying enterprise design patterns and following a Domain Driven Design methodology.

Object/Relational Mapper & Code Generator in Net 2.0 for Relational & XML Schema (51,2 MB)
Framework for RAD against relational database (and xml), using a sophisticated, easy-to-use OO model (3-tier). Supports multiple database platforms. Uses generics and partial classes. Supports ADO transactions (doesnt require MSDTC). Includes a winforms Class Generatator for auto

Sculpture - Model Your Life (72,2 MB)
Sculpture is a .NET open source Model-Driven Development code generation framework ideal for creating and managing .NET Enterprise Applications. Sculpture generate deployable components like DAAB, NHibernate, LINQ, CSLA, WCF, Win forms, WPF, Silverlight, ASP.NET, & ASP.NET MVC.

Web Management Studio (3,8 MB)
ASP.NET MVC based framework for content-management systems

Common object mapper (152,7 MB)
Yet another .NET-oriented ready to use object-relational mapping library. The key features are Web-related (caching, integration with standard ASP.NET providers). The project is strated in early 2004. Now it's a proved framework for large and complex data-driven projects and web

Xml Data Mapper - a simple xml based ORM, database to object, POCO / DTO mapper

The Cached Xml Data Mapper is a a simple xml based ORM. It converts DataReader, DataTable to custom DTOs / POCOs / objects and vice versa. Unlike ORMs which are difficult to choose from, complex to understand and that leaves a heavy memory footprint, this one is simple and lightweight.