Project Has Moved

The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is a classic set of ASP.NET WebForms extensions that helps you build ASN.NET websites. Now maintained by

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

Dicibilis - Content Management System (326 kB)
Dicibilis Content Management System (CMS) uses ASP.NET 2 features like MasterPages, Providers, CSSFriendly adapters and ASP.NET Ajax to allow developers who already know ASP.NET to build a website in a very short time and let the end users to maintain the site by themselves.

Json.NET (285,3 MB)
Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET

ASP.NET WebSocket & Comet Ajax Library (Reverse Ajax - Server Push) (24,8 MB)
Comprehensive and easy to use Reverse Ajax for ASP.NET

SharePoint Client Components

SharePoint Client Components provides set of libraries to make developers life easy. It integrates SharePoint lists data with its existing components.

jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services (11,1 MB)
This is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use.

Memba Velodoc XP Edition (incl. ASP.NET Ajax file upload controls) (30,1 MB)
Memba Velodoc XP Edition is the open source core of the Velodoc platform for publishing, sharing, sending and transferring large files. It is a web application constituted of ASP.NET Ajax server controls, modules and handlers for uploading and downloading large files.

WebBuddy - AJAX made easy! (5,8 MB)
WebBuddy is a growing plethora of simple Silverlight libraries designed to take the pain out of web requests. With WebBuddy, Uri's are easy to manipulate and AJAX calls are as easy as in JavaScript!

patterns & practices Web Client Developer Guidance

The Web Client Guidance from patterns & practices, assist developers and architects with the design, development and deployment of Rich Responsive Web applications using .NET.

Web.Ajax (1,4 MB)
Web.Ajax is an AJAX library for the .NET framework. It is designed to make it easy to add ajax functionality to an application.