BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles (3,8 MB)
BibWord makes it easier to create and manipulate Microsoft Word citation and bibliography styles. BibWord also resolves several limitations of the basic implementation by Microsoft. For end-users, BibWord offers a collection of easy to use styles.

BlogCore - Fancy and Powerful Autoblogging Software (28 kB)

Blogger ATOM export to BlogML conversion tool

A command line tool that converts an ATOM export file from Blogger to BlogML, suitable for importing to a number of different blogging engines.

Blogger Access Library

This is a .NET library that make it easy to post, edit and delete your blog articles in Blogger when you want to handle your blogs with .NET (C#, VB, F#...etc) code.

Blogger Backup

This is a VB.Net WinForm utility, that by using Google's GData API and their C# client library implementation, all the posts in Blogger blog can be backed up to disk. Open Source Blog Engine Project (12,0 MB)
Blogsa is a free, completely open-source blog engine project and it is written by using ASP.NET and C#. It works very fast compared to other engines and includes many extensions. It supports multi-language and many database systems and very easy to deploy.

FujiyBlog (36,8 MB)
A simple Open Source Blog using ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, Entity Framework Code First and SQL CE 4 or SQL Server.

SharePoint 2010 Blogging Service (3,6 MB)
This solution provides a blogging service to manage SharePoint publishing/wiki contents via Microsoft Word 2010/2013 or via Windows Live Writer.