BgEngine (25 kB)
BgEngine allow users to create a personal blog. This is a blog engine built using ASP MVC 3, jQuery and Entity Framework Code First

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

Entity Framework

Entity Framework is an object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects.

KiGG (71,9 MB)
KiGG is a Web 2.0 style social news web application developed in Microsoft supported technologies following Domain Driven Design.

mytrip.mvc (CMS & e-Commerce) (103,6 MB)
mytrip.mvc (mtm) is an open source Content Management System, based on Microsoft's .NET MVC technology, which enables you to build Web sites. For now project include several modules: Users, News, Articles, Blogs, Votes and more coming soon. Every module has separated settings..

Soby Web Components (165,8 MB)
Soby web components provides set of libraries to make developers life easy. It integrates number of data services (SP, WS etc) with its existing components.