CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

Eagle (48,8 MB)
Eagle, Extensible Adaptable Generalized Logic Engine, is an implementation of the Tcl scripting language for the Common Language Runtime (CLR).

Tabbed MDI Window Manager (4,1 MB)
MDIWindowManager is a control that allows you to create MDI applications using a modern Tabbed Document Interface. The control works on traditional MDI forms and does not require that children be derived from some proprietary base class or implement some special interface or framework. The goal of MDIWindowManager was complete transparency and absolute ease of use all while supporting advanced features such as tiling.

Threeter, lightweight Twitter client (16,2 MB)
Lightweight, fast and simple Twitter client with multi account and built in URL shortening. Compiled in .NET 4.0. The application stays at the system tray and can be activated using a hotkey combination. Press the hotkey, enter your message, press enter. Available in multiple languages.

Windows 7 Managed Taskbar Extensions

Windows 7 Managed Taskbar Extensions provides a managed API layer over Taskbar Extensions introduced in Windows 7. It's developed in C#.

Windows Forms Aero

This project aims to create a Windows Control Library that provides controls reproducing the appearance of Microsoft Aero graphic objects, like buttons and links with shield icon, textboxes with cue banner, etc.