Aran, an XNA-compliant .NET automated planning framework (19,2 MB)
Aran is an XNA-compliant .NET automated planning framework developed as its author Bachelor Thesis at Carlos III University of Madrid, under the supervision of the Planning and Learning Group.

Card Games Library

The aim of this project is to offer a framework for creating card games logics and rules. This project is not focused on particular games but offers a felxible and extensible base for creating card games, like; poker, solitaire, rummy, etc

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

Kaleta.Network (8,5 MB)
Kaleta.Network library extends .NET network API by defining objects as Distributable Objects. These can be easily synchronized with all clients in a network session without to implement further network logic.

League Engine (10,3 MB)
An RTS game engine written entirely in XNA. Designed to provide an interface similar to that of Blizzard games, and the internal workings are much the same. Currently supports units, buildings, abilities, a scripting engine, maps, custom resources and more.

LOGL::GLib (8,0 MB)
LOGL::GLib is an OpenGL game library written in C++ that allows new C++/OpenGL programmers to focus more on the game and less on the details.

MH-Library for XNA 4.0 (41,3 MB)
"MH-Library for XNA 4.0" is a library for XNA 4.0 includes Shader, Light, Camera, Model, Motion (Animation), ShadowMap, Collision, and some. Also includes content pipeline for fbx file exported from Blender.This Library is published as Source Codes. Main functions are below. -Model, Motion, and Collision Content Pipeline for FBX files from Blender. -Attaching Model ( as equip item on hand ). -Skinning/Skinned Animation ( max 16 bone weights ). -Motion channel to call plural motions on single model simultaneously. -Ambient, Directional, and Point lights. -Phong, and Toon materials. -3D, Toon3D, and ShadowMap3D shaders. -2D, and Blur2D shaders. -Input ( Mouse, Keyboard, and GamePad ) utility. -Collision Detection. -Sphere, Triangle, Capsule, Segment, and Grab( mainly for touching ground ) collision primitives. -Collision Group which is exported from Blender. 「MH-Library for XNA 4.0」は、XNA4.0向けのライブラリです。シェーダー、ライト、カメラ、モデル、モーション (アニメーション)、シャドウマップ、衝突判定等の機能があります。またBlenderから出力されたFBXファイルを読み込むためのコンテントパイプラインを含んでいます。このライブラリはソースコードの形で公開されています。 主な機能は以下の通りです。 -Blenderから出力されたFBXファイルをモデル、モーション、衝突判定データとして処理するコンテントパイプライン。 -モデルアタッチ ( アイテムを手に装備させるような機能 )。 -スキニングアニメーション ( 最大16ボーンウェイト )。 -単一のモデルに同時に複数のモーションを呼ぶためのモーションチャンネル。 -環境光源、方向光源、および点光源。 -Phong、Toonマテリアル。 -3D, Toon3D, ShadowMap3D シェーダー。 -2D, Blur2D シェーダー。 -入力ユーティリティ ( マウス、キーボード、ゲームパッド )。 -衝突判定。 -球、三角形、カプセル、線分、グラブ ( 主に地形との接触に使う ) の5種類の衝突判定プリミティブ。 -Blenderから出力できる衝突判定グループ。

Mud Designer (33,7 MB)
The Mud Designer allows developers a quick and simple approach to generating text based game content and an easier way to manage their MUD games.


OpenPhysX is a Free, Open-Source motion detection such as Kinect, for Windows. All Is Written In C#/CSharp, and maked with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Pro.

PlayingCards - A C# Playing Card Library

This is a C# playing card library, and an included sample game. The game is meant to be a networked virtual card table where folks can play just about any kind of card game they would like. For now, the game is not playable, but more of a test of the library. Hope you enjoy.

RhinoXNA (126 kB)
RhinoXNA is a 2D graphics rendering library that makes developing games with XNA even easier by wrapping up all the drawing functionality so the developers can focus on the game implementation. RhinoXNA is developed using Visual Studio 2010 C# Express Edition using XNA and is fully extendable.

SDL Platformer

A project written using the SDL library to make a platform game.

WoW Armory Library for Windows Mobile (2,3 MB)
A small World of WarCraft armory library for windows mobile devices.

WoW Armory Parser

.NET Library providing infos about Characters, Guilds and Arena Teams loaded and parsed by Blizzard's World of Warcraft Armory.

X-Forms (1,4 MB)
X-Forms is a Graphical User Interface Framework to aid in the creation of User Interfaces within Games created using the Microsoft XNA Framework. X-Forms is built to reflect how .NET Windows Forms work. It provides support for full screen Forms and Controls. The project aims to help with rapid GUI development and currently works on Windows PC and Windows Phone 7.0

XGame (1,8 MB)
XGame is a collection of Classes that are used with the XNA frame work. It is meant to provide an easy to understand library of objects that are commonly used in games, sprites, timers, and input devices are some of the objects that are included.


This is a project to create a community of XNA developers starting with the Spanish DotNet Clubs. The main goal of the project is to create a large variety of Game Components for videogame development.

RamGec XNA Controls - Window Elements Library for XNA Games (17,5 MB)
Lightweight, ultra-high performance and flexible library for displaying and managing Window Controls for XNA system. Features its own Window Designer for creating custom windows and controls.

XNA Toolkit

Toolkit of Components, Services, Wrappers, and Utilities for use in your XNA game. Currently provides a Stationary and First Person Camera component, Input service and component, Audio wrapper, and EventLogger (Windows Only). Weapon inventory, menu system, and performance tracking components will be added to the library soon.