CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

C# Code Generator

This project was created and tested in Visual Studio 2010. It is an add-in to Visual Studio that once installed, displays an option on the Tools menu.

Elements Framework (53,7 MB)
Framework for development of enterprise applications: data access, O/RM, code generator, business logic components and app blocks, Web UI components.

EntitiesToDTOs - Entity Framework DTO Generator

EntitiesToDTOs is an Entity Framework DTO generator used as an AddIn for Visual Studio. You'll no longer have to create DTOs for all your entities!


EntityCodeGenerator makes it easier for ADO.NET Entity Framework users to generate entity classes in the manner of each one entity class per file, and all generated class files are added to the project automatically as sub project items of the EDMX file.

Entity Framework (Linq to Entities) to IDataReader Adapter

Given an Entity Data Model XML (EDMX), this utility generates valid IDataReaders across all entity types, allowing Linq to Entities (L2E) to be used in legacy systems that require this interface to be implemented. The generated IDataReaders are strongly-typed and performant.

Entity Framework / Linq to Sql Poco Code Generator

Code generator that produces Poco Dtos and Xml mapping code that works with both Entity Framework and Linq to Sql. You can create one set of classes that can be used with both technologies. Choose a template and hit the button. Utilizes Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) .

N-Tier Entity Framework (356,0 MB)
The N-Tier Entity Framework extends Entity Framework to provide support for n-tier solutions while keeping EF's simplicity.


This application is aimed to generate .NET class and methods for databases and model them based on customizable patterns.

Visual Studio 2010 T-4 Templates for Logical Layers (1,7 MB)
This open source project includes a set of T-4 templates to enable you to build logical layers (i.e. DAL/BLL) with just few clicks! The logical layers implemented here are based on Entity Framework 4.0, ASP.NET Web Form Data Bound control friendly and fully unit testable.

ViewModel Generator

A ViewModel code generator for use with WPF and a MVVM pattern. It generates a ViewModel partial class based on an Entity Framework class. This is currently for use with Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5.