
AltairStudios.Core is a MVC fullstack framework extension with utils and administration. Core is a application core with a ORM to connecto to database with models, auto administration tool, and utilities.

AOS Rhino Application Server (264,9 MB)
AOS is designed and written to be the fastest application server with very tight control of memory allocations, efficient execution algorithms, built-in timing and statistics for performance tuning and easy extension. MVC Awesome - jQuery Ajax helpers (232,8 MB)
rich set of helpers used to build highly responsive ajax-enabled Web applications. These helpers include the Grid, AjaxDropdown, PopupForm, Lookup and more

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

DataBind (19 kB)
Simple JavaScript (TypeScript) function for binding you data objects with your presentation.

ETSY v2 .NET API Library for Winform, WPF, Silverlight, ASP.Net, & ASP.NET MVC (183 kB)
.NET API Library for v2 RESTful API with fully compliant OAuth 1.0a for all CRUD & Upload Images API - developed in VB.NET. *15/11/2010 MAJOR UPDATE*


Use this if you want to quickly learn to implement JQGrid in an ASP.NET App

JavaScriptModel (2,4 MB)
JavaScriptModel is a .NET library to transfer data to JavaScript or execute js-functions from .NET server-side code (C#, VB.NET) as embedded json on the website


ScriptAnnotations allows MVVM frameworks, like Knockoutjs, to leverage DataAnnotations for unobtrusive JQuery / MVC style validation.

Service4u2 - C# JSON MVC Service helper library (519 kB)
A lightweight helper library written in C# for creating services that consume REST like JSON services. Built to quickly allow using a .Net MVC site as a JSON API. Contains versions for WPF / Winforms, Silverlight 3 and 4, and Windows Phone 7.

Turbo framework for ASP.NET (24,5 MB)
Turbo framework is an extension for ASP.NET which solves most problems associated with WebForms (ViewState, performance, client-side scripting, resource optimization), while utilizing its advantages (component design, RAD), and comes with a set of advanced, rich UI controls.

Upida (13,1 MB)
Do you want to get rid of DTO and Mapper classes? Do you want to get rid of browser side validation? If you use spring Mvc and hibernate, then Upida is for you!

Upida.Net (302,2 MB)
If you use MVC and any NHibernate, than Upida is for you. Upida favors knockout.js. You can download example code, implemented with knockout.js.

Soby Web Components (165,8 MB)
Soby web components provides set of libraries to make developers life easy. It integrates number of data services (SP, WS etc) with its existing components.

YABE :: Yet Another Blogging Engine (22,8 MB)
The objective of this project is to iteratively build a very lightweight MVC based blog engine. The first version of this engine will only have a very limited functionality to display, add, and edit posts, and comments. In addition there should be support for atom and rss. Additional versions will have a richer feature set. The basic architecture will be based on the following technologies, MVC, Linq to Sql, the membership model, and WCF. Memberships will be used to control who can do what on the blog. Linq to Sql will be used to generate the object model from the data design and MVC will be the technology of the front end and controller, which will allow us to easily expose posts and content with seo urls.