Project Has Moved

The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is a classic set of ASP.NET WebForms extensions that helps you build ASN.NET websites. Now maintained by

CAML Builder

Small and simple API which allows you to easily write CAML queries, in a declarative way.

SharePoint CAML Query Builder (POCO to CAML)

POCO to CAML simplifies creation of SharePoint CAML queries by using expression trees.

CCStatistics for CruiseControl.NET 1.4

CCStatistics allows you to rebuild your historical statistics information from all your legacy build results. This is critical if you add a new statistic to measure, as by 'out of the box' it will not import any existing information. This solves that issue when the data (via XPat


MIS4SharePoint is the first open source implementation of CMIS standards for SharePoint Platform (WSS3.0 & MOSS2007). It’s an implementation in accordance with the draft version 0.5 of the standard. It covers the web-service part and aims to be a complete implementation of CMIS.

CodePlex Information and Discussion (88,6 MB)
This area is used for providing information and discussions about the CodePlex website.

SharePoint Contact List

An easy way to present a SharePoint contact list like organization structure with pictures and so on


CruiseCradle is a great handy tool to automatically download SharePoint Documents into your USB Stick. You insert your USB Stick into your PC and Done!!!!

David Severns .Net and SharePoint Code Repository

This is where I will post code samples and small projects related to blog posts, talks and training courses. For anything of significant interst a separate codeplex project will be created.

Devville.NET (5,0 MB)
The project contains some of a very useful helpers and extension methods for .NET and SharePoint.

Sharepoint Discoverter

Discoverter is a small tool to ease the creation of Sharepoint 2007/WSS 3.0 or Sharepoint 2010 Web Services. It converts .disco and .wsdl files created through disco.exe into disco.aspx and wsdl.aspx files ready to be dropped into 12\ISAPI (or 14\ISAPI).

Enhanced Content Query Web Part (6,0 MB)
Override the default content query web part, and add advanced features such as context menus for the items, toolbar for lists (if the web part is connected to a single list) and so on.

HtmlFilter - Asp.Net and SharePoint Regex Response.Filter

HtmlFilter will allow you to intercept whatever HTML the server outputs to the browser and filter it via regular expressions returning whatever you would like. It works via the page.response.filter property.

iLove SharePoint

SharePoint Tools: Lookup Field with Picker, PowerShell Scripts, SharePoint Designer Actions, PowerActivity, PowerWebPart, PowerEventReceiver, Sandboxed Solutions... will love it too.

Inline Guid Generator (Visual Studio Add-In)

This visual studio (2012) add-in will make your live easier if you’re working on solutions that has a lot of GUID’s in them, like SharePoint development.

ASP.NET Linked List Boxes UserControl

This ASP.NET UserControl displays two ListBoxes and allows the user to select items by moving them from the source ListBox to the destination ListBox.

Different components for show meteo on a WebSite : - User control for .NET FrameWork 1.1 (VB.NET and C#) - User control for .NET FrameWork 2.0 (VB.NET and C#) - SharePoint 2003 WebPart (C#) - SharePoint 2007 WebPart (C#) The components use the WebServices.

SharePoint PLM (112,4 MB)
SharePoint PLM is a kit that delivers enterprise Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) software with product intelligence functionality inside SharePoint – Parts, Bill of Materials (BOM), engineering change, ISO quality compliance, product costing, dashboards, scorecards, and more

PowerShell SharePoint Provider

A full PowerShell provider for exposing SharePoint 2003 [version 2007 coming] as a filesystem. Administer your SharePoint installation with familiar copy/move/rename/delete and new-item metaphors. Move users between roles, copy users between webs; use the full power of the shell to script away the pain of GUI based mass-management.

Server Side Re-encoding for Podcasting Kit for SharePoint (131,6 MB)
This project is a modification of the SharePoint PKS system to enable server side reencoding of videos. Since the SharePoint Podcasting System only supports .wmv files and the vast majority of media is in alternate formats there is a great need for this feature. Especially if you plan on installing the pks system in a production environment.