# 11.06.2010 8:11:41 -07:00
I'm trying to create a custom control for use in TFS 2010 Web Access.

I don't know where to start and I'm just hitting a brick wall over and over again. The only information I've been able to find online is that I should install the SDK and look at the samples. I've installed the SDK and can't find any samples!

As far as I can figure out I need to create a class that inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl and implements both Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Controls.IWorkItemControl and Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WebAccess.WorkItemTracking.Controls.IWorkItemWebControl but I don't know if that information is accurate for TFS 2010 or not.

The best example I've found so far is here: http://mikedoyon.blogspot.com/2009/05/team-system-web-access-time-entry-host.html but that's for an older version of TFS and I don't know if it's all still true for 2010 or not.

Please, please, please can someone point me in the right direction of some documentation and/or working sample code for creating custom controls for TFS 2010 Web Access?
# 13.07.2010 15:43:31 -07:00
# 14.07.2010 2:11:28 -07:00
lol thanks Hayder, but I made that post! :) I'm up and running now. To anyone who comes across this thread trying to do what I was trying to do then follow Hayder's link above. Cheers, Rob