# 17.07.2013 6:24:39 -07:00

Been struggling using the WebpageControl, it throws script errors from a linked site, however when I use "Open Link in External Browser" it works fine. I have made my machine default to IE, assuming IE is rendering the WebpageControl. This occurs only when using TFS 2012 Desktop client, it works fine browsing TFS from the webview.

Any ideas? Settings I can change?

Thank you,

# 18.07.2013 0:35:37 -07:00

I don't think we've tested this control much with Visual Studio 2012 but I will take a look. With TFS 2010 a native HTML control was introduced that works in a similar way, take a look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd647564(v=vs.100).aspx and see if that can be used to unblock you.

# 18.07.2013 5:19:41 -07:00
Hi thanks for the response. The link you sent is invalid. What did you want to point me too?

# 18.07.2013 10:30:55 -07:00
Fixed link above. Good luck!
