# 16.02.2014 2:27:11 -08:00

I accidentally install the 2013 version on the TFS 2012, obviously it didn't work. then I uninstall and install again the 2012 version. and it is still not working.
I don't think that there is a problem with the template because in visual studio every thing is working properly!

There are any suggestions?
What should i do to make it work on the TFS 2012 (web)?

# 16.02.2014 2:55:35 -08:00
I assume you have closed and opened a new web browser to make sure it's not a client-side issue? If you include the error message you get we can try to figure out what's wrong.
# 16.02.2014 3:06:39 -08:00
I don't have any error message, I just don't see the selection in the drop down, i will try to make my self clearer, I edit everything as the guide said in my visual studio it is working and i can see and use the multi selection boxes, but in tfs 2012 the web client, i can see at the drop down only the values like this: [IE8] but the multi selection is not working. any idea?
# 16.02.2014 3:16:54 -08:00
Can you post an example of the field definition?
# 16.02.2014 3:45:19 -08:00
this is what i have:

<FIELD name="Browser" refname="Custom.browser" type="String" reportable="detail">
          <SUGGESTEDVALUES expanditems="true"> 
            <LISTITEM value="[IE8]" /> 
            <LISTITEM value="[ALL]" /> 
<Control FieldName="Custom.browser" Type="FieldControl" PreferredType="MultiValueControl" Label="Browser" LabelPosition="Left" />
# 16.02.2014 7:31:08 -08:00
Can you try to change the Control definition to explicitly use the type=MultiValueControl:
<Control Type="MultiValueControl" FieldName="Custom.browser" Label="Browser" LabelPosition="Left" />
and see if that works better?
# 16.02.2014 8:05:51 -08:00
It works!!!! thank you very much :)
# 16.02.2014 9:23:53 -08:00
Great to hear it worked. I'll investigate if the PreferredType might make sense to support as well.